The MATLAB/LEGO MINDSTORMS Environmental Remote Sensing Lab Started Today

Today was the first day of the MATLAB/LEGO MINDSTORMS Environmental Remote Sensing. The course for undergraduate and graduate students aims to improve their skills to build efficient teams to solve typical problems in earth sciences in acquiring, processing and analyzing typical multispectral, geophysical and geometric data. Continue reading “The MATLAB/LEGO MINDSTORMS Environmental Remote Sensing Lab Started Today”

Detecting Change Points in Time Series with MATLAB

Detecting change points, such as abrupt transitions in the mean, the variance, the trend in time series is an important task of modern time series analysis. As an example, possible tipping points in the Earth’s climate system are currently being intensively investigated. Detecting, not predicting, change points in time series can be done using various methods with MATLAB, including the function findchangepts introduced with release R2016a and contained in the Signal Processing Toolbox. Continue reading “Detecting Change Points in Time Series with MATLAB”

MATLAB-Based Simulation of Bioturbation, Part 2

Bioturbation (or benthic mixing) causes significant distortions in marine stable isotope signals and other palaeoceanographic records. In an earlier post I introduced a MATLAB-based model to  study the effect of bioturbation on isotopic signals from stratigraphic carriers such as foraminifera. This post will demonstrate how to create a publishable figure showing the uppermost layers of a sediment sequence affected by bioturbation. The following posts will introduce MATLAB-based animations of the benthic mixing. Continue reading “MATLAB-Based Simulation of Bioturbation, Part 2”

Teaching Geoscience with MATLAB

Lisa Kempler of MathWorks created a great compilation of geoscience teaching resources with MATLAB. These resources include published online curriculum materials designed for undergraduate course settings, but they are also applicable to graduate students learning computation for use in geoscience.