Creating Attractive 3D graphics with MATLAB and Python – A Competition!

While I was writing the new book Python Recipes for Earth Sciences, a Python version of my popular textbook MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences, difficulties kept cropping up in reproducing the MATLAB graphs. Either it took much longer with Python or the graphics were just less pretty. Of course, it’s up to me, a less experienced Python user, so I invite all Python users to do better! Continue reading “Creating Attractive 3D graphics with MATLAB and Python – A Competition!”

Similarities and Differences in MATLAB, Python and Julia Syntax

If you want to write code for geoscientific data analysis independent of the programming language, a comparison of the syntax helps. And there are many similarities, not least because the languages inspire each other, even in the names of functions, which makes trilingual coding easy. Here is an example. Continue reading “Similarities and Differences in MATLAB, Python and Julia Syntax”

The Recipes for Earth Sciences Go Trilingual: MATLAB, Python and Julia

It’s been almost 30 years since I started with MATLAB, coming from FORTRAN77, and at a time when Python was still in its infancy and 20 years before Julia was developed. In the meantime, Python seems to be more popular than MATLAB in the geosciences, but may soon be replaced by Julia – time for change, also for me!

Continue reading “The Recipes for Earth Sciences Go Trilingual: MATLAB, Python and Julia”