Errata file for Python Recipes for Earth Sciences, by Martin H. Trauth, Springer 2022

Date 19 Feb 2024

Note: Errata file does not typographic or grammatical errors which are not relevant in terms of content.

P.339, replace "import gdal as gdal" by "from osgeo import gdal"

P.248, replace plot(x,y,'b',x,z,'r') by plt.figure(), plt.plot(x,y,'b',x,z,'r'), and replace plot(x,e,'r') by plt.figure(), plt.plot(x,e,'r'), This is one example where fragments of MATLAB code appears in the Python book, which is, however, correct in the electronic supplement. All these errors in the printed / ebook version will be fixed in the book's 2nd edition (2024).

P.383, Figure 9.1, change PC1 and PC2 in upper panel.

- File, Line 42, missing paranthesis in "print(A[2,1])"
- File, Line 1, missing "#"
- File, Line 8, replace "import gdal as gdal" by
  "from osgeo import gdal"
- File, Line 31, the data type unfortunately changes to
  float64 when using this function. We have to replace the line by
  I2 = np.ndarray.astype(color.rgb2gray(I1),'uint8')