Data of “Bioturbational mixing depth and carbon flux at the seafloor” by Trauth, Sarnthein and Arnold (1997)

Here you will find the original data, tables and figures of the paper “Bioturbational mixing depth and carbon flux at the seafloor” by Trauth, Sarnthein, and Arnold, published in Paleoceonography in 1997.

This is the data, table, and figure package of

Trauth, M.H., Sarnthein, M., Arnold, M. (1997) Bioturbational mixing depth and carbon flux at the seafloor. Paleoceanography, 12, 517-526.

with the content

1. Figures

Unfortunately we were not able to open the original vector graphics created with the software CANVAS. Instead, we provide PNG version of the figures as included in the paper.

2. Radiocarbon Profiles

These are the original 14C profiles (data and graphs) shown in Figure 3a-v, stored in a mix of Kaleidagraph (.qpc and .qda) and Excel files (.xls and .xlsx), from the early 1990s, converted with the most recent versions of these software tools and also stored as text (.txt) and portable document format files (.pdf).

3. Regression Figure 4c

The raw data of Figure 4c, including the reduced major axis regression results, both as Excel (.xlsx) and text (.txt, without equations) files.

4. Tables 1 and 2

The original Tables 1 and 2, as a Excel (.xlsx) and text (.txt, without equations) files.

Please cite the original article when using the data and graphics.


Please use this link to download the material.


Trauth, M.H., Sarnthein, M., Arnold, M. (1997) Bioturbational mixing depth and carbon flux at the seafloor. Paleoceanography, 12, 517-526.