Sediment data is typically display in diagrams with two axes, a core depth axis and an age axis. Here is a MATLAB script to convert depths into ages and display a sediment parameter in a diagram with both age and depth axis.
First, we create a synthetic data set of a sine wave with a period of 200.
clear, clc, close all t = 0 : 650; rec = 0.5*sin(2*pi*t/200) + 0.5;
Then we load the age depth conversion table contained in the file tiepoints.txt.
tiepoints = load('tiepoints.txt');
We can display the relationship between age and depth in an age-depth plot by typing
figure('Position',[100 800 500 500],... 'Color',[1 1 1]) axes('Position',[0.2 0.2 0.7 0.7],... 'XLim',[0 700],... 'YLim',[0 400],... 'YDir','Reverse',... 'Box','On',... 'FontSize',14) line(tiepoints(:,2),tiepoints(:,1),... 'LineWidth',1,... 'LineStyle','None',... 'Marker','o') xlabel('Age (kyr BP)') ylabel('Depth in Core (m)')
Next, we interpolate this relationship to an evenly-spaced age scale.
age = 0 : 50 : 650; age = age'; ageint = interp1(tiepoints(:,2),tiepoints(:,1),... age,'linear'); depthintlabels = num2str(ageint,'%3.0f\n');
and display in a first diagram with two axes.
figure1 = figure('Position',[100 500 1800 600],... 'Color',[1 1 1]); ax(1) = axes('Position',[0.1 0.4 0.8 0.4],... 'Color','None',... 'XLim',[0 650],... 'YLim',[-0.1 1.1],... 'XTick',0:50:650,... 'YLim',[-0.1 1.1],... 'FontSize',14); line1 = line(t,rec,... 'LineWidth',1); xlabel(ax(1),'Age (kyr BP)') ylabel(ax(1),'Proxy Value') ax(2) = axes('Position',[0.1 0.25 0.8 0.4],... 'Color','None',... 'XLim',[0 650],... 'XTickMode','Manual',... 'XTick',0:50:650,... 'XTickLabels',depthintlabels,... 'YLim',[0 1],... 'YTick',[],... 'YColor','None',... 'FontSize',14); xlabel(ax(2),'Depth in Core (m)')
Then we interpolate the ages to an evenly-spaced depth scale
d = interp1(tiepoints(:,2),tiepoints(:,1),t,... 'linear'); depth = 0 : 20 : 300; depth = depth'; depthint = interp1(tiepoints(:,1),tiepoints(:,2),... depth,'pchip'); ageintlabels = num2str(depthint,'%3.0f\n');
and again display in a first diagram with two axes.
figure1 = figure('Position',[100 100 1800 600],... 'Color',[1 1 1]); ax(1) = axes('Position',[0.1 0.4 0.8 0.4],... 'Color','None',... 'XLim',[0 300],... 'XTick',0:20:300,... 'YLim',[-0.1 1.1],... 'FontSize',14); line1 = line(d,rec,... 'LineWidth',1); xlabel(ax(1),'Depth in Core (m)') ylabel(ax(1),'Proxy Value') ax(2) = axes('Position',[0.1 0.25 0.8 0.4],... 'Color','None',... 'XLim',[0 300],... 'XTick',0:20:300,... 'XTickMode','Manual',... 'XTickLabels',ageintlabels,... 'YLim',[0 1],... 'YTick',[],... 'YColor','None',... 'FontSize',14); xlabel(ax(2),'Age (kyr BP)')
Trauth, M.H. (2014) A new probabilistic technique to build an age model for complex stratigraphic sequences. Quaternary Geochronology, 22, 65–71,