The website, which went online on Friday, obviously has a lot of Chinese readers for whom this information may be interesting: there is the 3rd edition of MRES in Chinese translation! Parick Chen (陈青), Rights and Permissions Manager at the Springer Beijing Representative Office, helped us to get this published. The Chinese publisher is National Defense Industry Press, Chinese ISBN: 978-7-118-10090-7. Thanks, Parick, for your great help with this!
About the Book Cover
Some people asked me where the photo on the cover of the 4th edition of the MRES book was taken. Here is the story about it.
I am currently working on a MATLAB/LEGO® MINDSTORMS® course for undergraduate and graduate students, aiming to improve their skills to build efficient teams to solve typical problems in earth sciences in acquiring, processing and analyzing typical multispectral (visible, infrared, thermal), geophysical (seismic, magnetic) and geometric (2D, 3D) data.
MRES Exercise #4 Three-Dimensional Maps
MRES Exercise #3 Cycles and Filters
MRES Exercise #2 Uni- and Bivariate Statistics
MRES 4th Edition Errata
The Errata File lists the known errors in the 4th edition of MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences (Springer 2015). The authors apologize for these errors, which were unintentional. The file is constantly updated on this webpage. Please let me know if you find any mistakes, misunderstandings in the text, or general suggestions for additions and extensions. No book is as good as its next edition!
Martin H. Trauth