Evolutionary Lomb-Scargle Power Spectral Analysis with MATLAB

In paleoclimate time series amplitude of spectral peaks usually varies with time. Evolutionary power spectral analysis such as the FFT-based spectrogram and wavelet power spectral analysis helps. These methods, however, require interpolation of the time series to a grid of evenly-spaced times. Instead we can use the Lomb-Scargle Method for unevenly-spaced spectral analysis, computed for a sliding window, to map changes of the cyclicities through time.

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50th and 51st Shortcourse on MRES – Interactive Online Seminars

During the worldwide SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, teaching at universities changed fundamentally within a few days. This also has an impact on the traditional MRES compact courses, which are now offered entirely online! The interactive online seminar on MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences will be held on 14–18 September 2020 (in English language) and 28 September–2 October 2020 (in German language).

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QSR Virtual Special Issue on Time Series Analysis for Earth, Climate and Life Interactions

I am pleased to announce a Quaternary Science Reviews virtual special issue on “Time Series Analysis for Earth, Climate and Life Interactions“. The VSI will contain overview articles on the currently used and new methods of time series analysis as well as application examples from the field of earth, climate and life. Interested authors of articles on the topic may contact me via email. Continue reading “QSR Virtual Special Issue on Time Series Analysis for Earth, Climate and Life Interactions”

Smartphone Seismometer using MATLAB

The increasing spread of mobile internet devices with built-in accelerometers led to the idea of using them to build up low-cost seismological arrays. This exercises demonstrates how to log, import and display smartphone accelerometer measurements with MATLAB.