About four years ago, I published a post on reading meteorological data from a Netatmo weather station. Since then, Netatmo has changed the authentication process. Here is an update of my MATLAB scripts for the weather station. Continue reading “ThingSpeak IoT Weather Station Update”
German Translation of Python Recipes for Earth Sciences Published
The German version of the 1th edition of Python Recipes for Earth Sciences is out. Thanks to the subject of SpringerSpektrum for the professional support in the realization of the project.
Continue reading “German Translation of Python Recipes for Earth Sciences Published”
Collaborative Python Coding with Google Colab
Google Colab provides a hosted Jupyter Notebook service which makes collaborative coding with Python much easier. Here is a short introduction on how to use it with Google Drive and GitHub. A guest post by Francesco Ottaviani from Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”.
Continue reading “Collaborative Python Coding with Google Colab”
In my book Signal and Noise, I use LEGO MINDSTORMS components alongside smartphones and other technical devices to demonstrate methods of data acquisition in the geosciences. Here is an update. Continue reading “MATLAB/LEGO MINDSTORMS Practical Update”
The New MATLAB AI Chat Playground
The Community tab of the MathWorks website now offers the new AI Chat Playground. This allows you to transfer programming tasks to an AI – and try them out directly. Continue reading “The New MATLAB AI Chat Playground”
Statistics in Earth Sciences in 6 Steps
After 30 years of teaching statistical methods in the geosciences, I would like to give a few tips for our next generation. Back then, I was in awe of a term like chi-square test and kept my hands off it for a long time. However, I could not avoid complicated methods such as spectral analysis and filtering, because my doctoral project was about signal processing of paleoceanographic time series. Here we go. Continue reading “Statistics in Earth Sciences in 6 Steps”
PRES Ranked 7th and MRES Ranked 24th in Earth Sciences & Environment of Springer
The book “Python Recipes for Earth Sciences” (Springer 2022) is ranked 7th (Winter 2023/2024) in the Top 100 out of more than 4,600 books in Earth Sciences & Environment of Springer. The book “MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences” (Springer 2021) is ranked 24th. Thanks to all readers for buying the books!
Interpolating Unevenly Spaced Data With MATLAB
Most methods of time series analysis require evenly spaced time axes, which is why we have to convert unevenly spaced time series into a time series with an evenly spaced time axis using interpolation. Continue reading “Interpolating Unevenly Spaced Data With MATLAB”