I am currently working on a MATLAB/LEGO® MINDSTORMS® course for undergraduate and graduate students, aiming to improve their skills to build efficient teams to solve typical problems in earth sciences in acquiring, processing and analyzing typical multispectral (visible, infrared, thermal), geophysical (seismic, magnetic) and geometric (2D, 3D) data.
MRES 4th Edition Errata
The Errata File lists the known errors in the 4th edition of MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences (Springer 2015). The authors apologize for these errors, which were unintentional. The file is constantly updated on this webpage. Please let me know if you find any mistakes, misunderstandings in the text, or general suggestions for additions and extensions. No book is as good as its next edition!
Martin H. Trauth
MRES 2017 Shortcourses in Potsdam
I will teach two shortcourses on the MRES book in Potsdam this year. The spring courses will be held between 27 February and 3 March 2017 (in English, link to registration) and 3 and 7 April 2017 (in German, link to registration). The course introduces methods of data analysis in earth and environmental sciences using MATLAB, one of the leading software packages for the solution of mathematical problems.
Welcome to the MRES Website!
Welcome to the new website about my books “MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences” (Springer 2015) and “MATLAB and Design Recipes for Earth Sciences” (Springer 2012, together with Elisabeth Sillmann at blaetterwaldDesign). In the near future, selected topics of the book will be discussed, possible applications and examples will be shown and new materials to be included in future editions of the books will be presented.
University lecturers, school teachers and everyone else who needs solved exercises for teaching are invited to register to get free unlimited access to membership content such as exercises with solutions to be used in their own courses. Please send me a message to let me know what you think about the new website and visit my university webpage for more about me and my work.
Martin H. Trauth