Pearson’s linear product-moment correlation coefficient is highly sensitive to outliers, as can be illustrated by the following example. Several alternatives exist, such as Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and the Kendall’s tau rank correlation coefficient, both contained in the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox. Continue reading “Outliers and Correlation Coefficients”
Creating Animated 3D Files with MATLAB
Since the introduction of electronic devices with touch controls, interactive 3D graphics objects have become increasingly popular in multimedia electronic books (ebooks). The Simulink 3D Animation available from The MathWorks, Inc. provides the necessary tools to create and export 3D graphics objects for inclusion in documents such as multimedia ebooks, interactive webpages, and presentations. Continue reading “Creating Animated 3D Files with MATLAB”
Creating Video Files with MATLAB
We can create video files, which we then integrate into multimedia publications. In principle, any video material can be used, such as recorded laboratory and field experiments, screen video captures or recorded computer animations. Here I demonstrate how to create a video of an animation with MATLAB.
Creating Audio Files with MATLAB
Let us create some audio files with MATLAB, which we then integrate into multimedia publications. In principle, any audio material can be used, such as recorded nature sounds. Here is a preview of a section of a new chapter about multimedia publications of the upcoming 2nd Edition of MDRES.
Better Avoid Running Means
Create Publishable Graphics with MATLAB, Part 1
The graphics of MATLAB have been greatly improved since the very rustic plots of the early 1990s. In contrast to previous editions, in which all the graphics were edited by designer Elisabeth Sillmann (blaetterwaldDesign) with Adobe Illustrator, the majority of the graphics of the 4th edition of MRES were not processed after being exporting from MATLAB. Here is the script for creating a variant of Figure 4.9 from MRES.
Continue reading “Create Publishable Graphics with MATLAB, Part 1”
Cross Recurrence Plot Toolbox
Here is another great MATLAB-based website, the one about recurrence plots by my colleague and long-term collaborator Norbert Marwan from Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). Recurrence plots for the analysis of complex systems are popular in many fields such as climate science, flow mechanics and medicine. Continue reading “Cross Recurrence Plot Toolbox”
About me
Here is a short outline of my research and teaching at the U Potsdam, Germany, and elsewhere, with emphasis on the use of MATLAB in earth sciences.