Communicating with the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Brick using MATLAB
Today, geoinformatics master student Jonas Räsch and I started to design the first MATLAB/LEGO MINDSTORMS exercises for our MATLAB/LEGO MINDSTORMS Environmental Remote Sensing Lab. Continue reading “Communicating with the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Brick using MATLAB”
MATLAB/LEGO MINDSTORMS Exercise #1 Communicating with the EV3 Brick
Calculating the Continuous 1-D Wavelet Transform with the new Function cwt, Part 2
After having talked to MathWorks Support I managed to display the cone of influence coi together with the wavelet transform wt. The cone of influence marks the area were edge effects occur in the continuous 1D wavelet transform.
Continue reading “Calculating the Continuous 1-D Wavelet Transform with the new Function cwt, Part 2”
MATLAB-Based Simulation of Bioturbation, Part 1
Bioturbation (or benthic mixing) causes significant distortions in marine stable isotope signals and other palaeoceanographic records. My doctoral project at the University of Kiel between 1992-1995 aimed to model, to quantify and deconvolve the effect of bioturbation in deep-sea sediments. Continue reading “MATLAB-Based Simulation of Bioturbation, Part 1”
41st Shortcourse On MRES
Tomorrow the 41st shortcourse on MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences will begin with 29 participants from 12 different research institutions and universities. It is the first of the two spring courses at the University of Potsdam. Continue reading “41st Shortcourse On MRES”
Interactive eBook Edition of MRES
With its fourth edition, the MRES book makes its first appearance as an interactive ebook. This ebook allows the reader to interact with the book and comes in two different formats, with the first being for Apple iPads and Macs (in the form of an .ibooks file created with Apple’s iBooks Author software) and the second being for other platforms (as a PDF file that includes relative links to interactive objects stored on the reader’s hard drive). Continue reading “Interactive eBook Edition of MRES”
Importing and Georeferencing TERRA ASTER Images with MATLAB, Part 1
Since 1 April 2016 all ASTER data products are free to all users. Here is an example, different from the one described in the MRES book, to demonstrate how to import, enhance and georeference an ASTER image with MATLAB. Continue reading “Importing and Georeferencing TERRA ASTER Images with MATLAB, Part 1”