Two shortcourses, partly MATLAB-based, are taught by colleagues of mine within the DFG-funded StRATEGy Research Training Group at the University of Potsdam, together with GFZ, CONICET, U Buenos Aires and U Salta–Jujuy–Tucumán. The first course on “Advancing understanding of geomorphology with topographic analysis emphasizing high resolution topography” is taught by Ramón Arrowsmith, Bodo Bookhagen, Wolfgang Schwanghart and Christopher Crosby between 12–15 June 2017. The second course on “Geoscience Investigations of Point Clouds” is taught by Bodo Bookhagen, Ramón Arrowsmith, Martin Isenburg and Christopher Crosby between 7–9 June 2017.
Teaching Computational Geosciences with MATLAB, Part 3: Intro to MATLAB
In a series of blog posts, I will tell you a little about how I teach computational geosciences with MATLAB. After the work environment is set up and resources are presented with information about MATLAB, I show a very simple example of the typical workflow with MATLAB. The main goal of this is to show beginners how easy it is to get into this huge software.
Continue reading “Teaching Computational Geosciences with MATLAB, Part 3: Intro to MATLAB”
Teaching Computational Geosciences with MATLAB, Part 2: Resources
In a series of blog posts, I will tell you a little about how I teach computational geosciences with MATLAB. At the beginning of the course, the work environment is set up in MATLAB and resources are presented with information about MATLAB. Continue reading “Teaching Computational Geosciences with MATLAB, Part 2: Resources”
Teaching Computational Geosciences with MATLAB, Part 1: Technical Aspects
In a series of blog posts, I will tell you a little about how I teach computational geosciences with MATLAB. There will be content, didactic and technical aspects of teaching. Of course, I will also tell you about my experiences in the development of the MATLAB/LEGO MINDSTORMS Environmental Remote Sensing Lab, which we have just finished in a first version. Continue reading “Teaching Computational Geosciences with MATLAB, Part 1: Technical Aspects”
U Potsdam’s Magazin PORTAL Cover Showing Suguta Valley
The latest issue of the University of Potsdam’s magazin PORTAL cover shows the Suguta Valley, where I ran DFG-funded project on structural and environmental history of the Suguta Valley in the Northern Kenya Rift between 2007 and 2014. Continue reading “U Potsdam’s Magazin PORTAL Cover Showing Suguta Valley”
Completing the MATLAB/LEGO MINDSTORMS Environmental Remote Sensing Lab
Last Friday we completed the MATLAB/LEGO MINDSTORMS Environmental Remote Sensing. The course for undergraduate and graduate students aims to improve their skills to build efficient teams to solve typical problems in earth sciences in acquiring, processing and analyzing typical multispectral, geophysical and geometric data. The practical was a great success, and a lot of fun! Continue reading “Completing the MATLAB/LEGO MINDSTORMS Environmental Remote Sensing Lab”
Stratigraphic Correlation of Multiple Sediment Cores Using MATLAB, Part 2
In geological drilling projects, two or more parallel cores often collected in order to compensate for core losses during drilling by overlapping sequences. Correlation of the core is a time-consuming and complex process that is usually done by very experienced geologists. Yesterday I posted the script for manual correlation of core records based on visual inspection of the record of sediment physical properties. This post explains how to use dynamic time warping for automated correlation of cores. Continue reading “Stratigraphic Correlation of Multiple Sediment Cores Using MATLAB, Part 2”
Stratigraphic Correlation of Multiple Sediment Cores Using MATLAB, Part 1
In geological drilling projects, two or more parallel cores often collected in order to compensate for core losses during drilling by overlapping sequences. Correlation of the core is a time-consuming and complex process that is usually done by very experienced geologists. In the Chew Bahir Drilling Project in Ethiopia, as part of the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Projects (HSPDP), two parallel, almost 280 m long cores were collected in late 2014. The two cores are correlated using the Correlator software, which is part of the CoreWall package, but we also make experiments using manual and automated correlation using MATLAB. Here I present a script to perform a visual inspection and correlation of two cores using physical properties of the sediment such as the magnetic susceptibility. Continue reading “Stratigraphic Correlation of Multiple Sediment Cores Using MATLAB, Part 1”