Smartphone Seismometer using MATLAB
MRES Exercise #12 Smartphone Seismometer
Change of Behaviour: spectrogram
Unfortunately, the graphical output of the function spectrogram has changed in a way that it can no longer be used by geoscientists. Here is a way around the problem. Continue reading “Change of Behaviour: spectrogram”
MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences, 5th Edition
The 5th edition of MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences now has a book cover and can already be pre-ordered on the publisher’s webpage. The picture on the top is a 3D display of a filtered SRTM elevation data set of the Baringo area in Kenya, showing fault escarpments and lake basins. The function surfl has been used to generate a shaded-relief map with simulated lighting, contour3 to create white elevation contours and the demcmap colormap from the Mapping Toolbox.
Create Publishable Graphics with MATLAB, Part 2
There is disagreement among scientists as to whether graphics should be presented in an attractive design or whether the standard design of the statistical software is sufficient. Here is a comparison of a graphic as generated by MATLAB with an improved design. Continue reading “Create Publishable Graphics with MATLAB, Part 2”
Dip and Dip Direction using Smartphones
The following exercise is intended to help to understand the measurement of the orientation of linear and planar structures in the field, using the magnetometer and the gyroscope of the smartphone. We will carry out a large number of repeated measurement, not possible with a traditional compass in a reasonable time. These repeated measurements will be statistically evaluated and interpreted with regard to their accuracy and precision.