Online Summer School on “Trends, Rhythms and Events in the Earth’s Climate System – Past, Present and Future”

The Volkswagen Foundation is funding our 5th summer school on “Trends, Rhythms and Events in the Earth’s Climate System – Past, Present and Future” in 2021. After summer schools in Africa and Europe, this one will be taught entirely online. Continue reading “Online Summer School on “Trends, Rhythms and Events in the Earth’s Climate System – Past, Present and Future””

Using RGB Cameras to Classify Minerals in Rocks

Color is an uncertain characteristic for the determination of minerals. Many minerals occur in a variety of different colors. Examples are quartz with its color variants amethyst, rose quartz or smoky quartz or feldspar with color variants like amazonite. However, if the minerals in a rock are reliably determined, their different coloring can be used to quantify them. In this example we use a simple RGB photo taken with a smartphone to determine the amounts of quartz, plagioclase, alkali feldspar and dark minerals such as biotite and hornblende in granite. To facilitate the differentiation of minerals, we use a principal component analysis (PCA), which is also used to unmix and classify spectral images such as satellite images (Trauth, 2020).

50th and 51st Shortcourse on MRES – Interactive Online Seminars

During the worldwide SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, teaching at universities changed fundamentally within a few days. This also has an impact on the traditional MRES compact courses, which are now offered entirely online! The interactive online seminar on MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences will be held on 14–18 September 2020 (in English language) and 28 September–2 October 2020 (in German language).

Continue reading “50th and 51st Shortcourse on MRES – Interactive Online Seminars”