Response to a critical review on Amazon by Peter Jansson: Missing Methods in Python Book

I received a negative review on Amazon. That’s always a bad thing, whether or not it is justified (see this older example).  As Amazon no longer allows a reply, I’m posting it here, because other readers are probably also bothered by the way the first edition of the Python book dealt with missing subchapters and illustrations compared to the MATLAB book. And there is good news, in the second edition we have solved the problem!

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New Paper on “Early warning signals of the termination of the African Humid Period(s)” Published in Nature Communications

We published a new paper on early warning signals of the termination of the African Humid Period(s) in the journal Nature Communications. A very close look at the sediments of the Chew Bahir Basin in South Ethiopia provides new insights into the structure of climate transitions in Africa. Wet climate did not simply become drier; it flickered rapidly between wet and dry, which posed major challenges for the humans in the region. Continue reading “New Paper on “Early warning signals of the termination of the African Humid Period(s)” Published in Nature Communications”

Statistics in Earth Sciences in 6 Steps

After 30 years of teaching statistical methods in the geosciences, I would like to give a few tips for our next generation. Back then, I was in awe of a term like chi-square test and kept my hands off it for a long time. However, I could not avoid complicated methods such as spectral analysis and filtering, because my doctoral project was about signal processing of paleoceanographic time series. Here we go. Continue reading “Statistics in Earth Sciences in 6 Steps”