FORTRAN77 Code of “TURBO: a dynamic-probabilistic simulation …” (Trauth, Computers & Geosciences)

Here you find the FORTRAN77 code and of my paper “TURBO: a dynamic-probabilistic simulation to study the effects of bioturbation on paleoceanographic time series” published in the Elsevier journal Computers & Geosciences.

Download the original FORTRAN77 code (1998)

Please use this link to download the original FORTRAN77 code used in Trauth (1998). This is the original code that was provided online with the original paper at the IMAG website which unfortunately no longer is the case.

Download the FORTRAN code to be used with GFORTRAN (2024)

Please use this link to download the FORTRAN code slightly modified to run with a recent (2024) version of gfortran 14.1 for macOS Sonoma (macOS 14) to be downloaded using this link. Follow the following steps to use the bioturbation simulation TURBO together with the sampling simulation TEST:

    • Download and install gfortran 14.1 on your Mac.
    • Download the FORTRAN code of TURBO and TEST together with the input files TURBOCON.txt, TURBODAT.txt, TURBOINP.txt and TESTCON.txt using the link above, delete the output files TURBORES.txt, TESTABU.txt and TESTISO.txt.
    • The files TURBO.f and TEST.f contain the FORTRAN code. The files TURBO and TEST without file extension .f are compiled versions of the FORTRAN code. Please check whether you can run those compiled versions or you need to compile your own versions using the commands in the of your Mac:
gfortran TURBO.f -o TURBO
gfortran TEST.f -o TEST
    • If you get an “invalid active developer path” error please use run “xcode-select –install” in the Termination to agree to the XCode Command Line Tools licensing agreement. If you are getting an developer cannot be verified alert please allow the use of TURBO and TEST in the Privacy & Security settings of macOS.
    • Now you can run TURBO using the command
    • You will get the TURBORES file that is used to run TEST using the command
    • You will get the output files TESTABU and TESTISO from this.

Please read Trauth (1998) for a detailed desription of the simulation, the FORTRAN code and the various files.


Please note that there is a MATLAB version of this simulation but without using probability matrices (Trauth, 2013). This version of TURBO has been described in several blog posts entitled MATLAB-Based Simulation of Bioturbation, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.


Trauth, M.H. (1998) TURBO: a dynamic-probabilistic simulation to study the effects of bioturbation on paleoceanographic time series. Computers and Geosciences, 24(5), 433-441.

Trauth, M.H. (2013) TURBO2: A MATLAB simulation to study the effects of bioturbation on paleoceanographic time series. Computers and Geosciences, 61, 1-10.