New Editions (2024) of MATLAB and Python Recipes for Earth Sciences

In Juli 2024, the 6th edition of “MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences” (Springer 2024) and the 2nd edition of “Python Recipes for Earth Sciences” (Springer 2024) will be released.

These new editions of the twin books are intensively revised and updated versions of the successful previous editions. The new editions have been adapted to new developments in both programming environments with many new functions.

Chapter 5 has been completely reorganised, now beginning with a new section on the Fourier transform, followed by methods based on it. The subsequent sections, some of which were written many years ago, have been revised to form a didactic sequence. Chapter 5 also includes a new section on Thomson’s multitaper method. Another new section describes methods for quantifying gradual transitions in time series, which complements the existing chapter on abrupt transitions.

Chapter 7 has been updated, for example, to take into account changes in data sets used for digital terrain models, such as the new ETOPO 2022, with a resolution of 15 arc seconds. Sections 7.6 and 7.7 on gridding and contouring have been revised and updated. Chapter 8 now contains a section on removing periodic noise from images and an expanded section on quantifying charcoal in microscopic images. Section 8.13 has additionally been revised and expanded. Section 9.2 on principal component analysis and Section 9.7 on log-ratio transformations have been updated and expanded.


Trauth, M.H. (2024) MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences – Sixth Edition. Springer International Publishing, 550 p., ISBN 978-3-031-57948-6. (MRES) (Link)

Trauth, M.H. (2024) Python Recipes for Earth Sciences – Second Edition. Springer International Publishing, 450 p., Supplementary Electronic Material, ISBN 978-3-031-56905-0. (PRES) (Link)