QSR Virtual Special Issue on Time Series Analysis for Earth, Climate and Life Interactions

I am pleased to announce a Quaternary Science Reviews virtual special issue on “Time Series Analysis for Earth, Climate and Life Interactions“. The VSI will contain overview articles on the currently used and new methods of time series analysis as well as application examples from the field of earth, climate and life. Interested authors of articles on the topic may contact me via email.

Time Series Analysis for Earth, Climate and Life Interactions

Guest Editors

Martin H. Trauth
University of Potsdam, Institute of Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany

Norbert Marwan
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany


A reliable prediction of future climate change requires a deep understanding of the driving forces and internal interactions in the Earth’s climate system. To this end, quantitative indicators of past climate conditions have been measured since the 1960s, first on marine sediments and soon after on other climate archives such as lake sediments, glaciers, speleothemes and other archives. The use of time series analysis methods helps to establish quantitative relationships between forcing and climate change as well as internal interactions in the Earth’s climate system. Knowledge of the complex system Earth with its components is a prerequisite for the calibration of models that allow predictions for the climate of the future. New methodological developments help to address typical challenges in palaeoclimate investigations, such as irregular sampling, dating uncertainties, or hidden couplings and transitions. The proposed special volume of Quaternary Science Reviews invites scientists from paleoclimate research and related disciplines to share their views on the development of time series analysis with the readers, to present new developments in the methods to detect trends, rhythms and events in paleoclimate time series and to show applications of the use of time series analysis. Manuscripts to be submitted to the special volume can be reviews, research papers, and short methods papers. The special volume offers the possibility to provide extensive data sets (real data or synthetic data), computer code for the evaluation of the data as well as multimedia material of any kind in an electronic supplement.

Submission deadline

30 June 2021